Selda Kısaoğlu, H. Rana Erdem, Gönül Göncü, Z. Rezan Yorgancıoğlu

Issue: Volume 15 - Issue 2 - June 2000
1711 5758


Peyman Yalçın

Issue: Volume 15 - Issue 2 - June 2000
1121 5206


Güneş Yavuzer, Serpil Savaş, Peyman Yalçın, Gülay Dinçer, Atilla Elhan

Issue: Volume 15 - Issue 2 - June 2000
1017 9105

The Performance of the Clinical Disease Activity Index in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rezzan Günaydın, Altınay Göksel Karatepe, Taciser Kaya

Issue: Volume 21 - Issue 2 - June 2006
1406 1796

Comparison of Effectiveness of Methotrexate Monotherapy with Combination Therapy in The Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ümit Dündar, Deniz Evcik, Aycan Türel, Vural Kavuncu

Issue: Volume 21 - Issue 2 - June 2006
1952 1841

Methotrexate and Leflunomide in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hatice Bodur

Issue: Volume 21 - Issue 2 - June 2006
1742 2257

Principles of Treatment in Osteoarthritis

Pınar Özgürsoy

Issue: Volume 21 - Issue 2 - June 2006
1116 3305

Bilateral Femoral Neuropathy Due to Bilateral Iliopsoas Hematoma During Anticoagulation Therapy: A Case Report

Emel Ekşioğlu, Aslıhan Sever, Ece Ünlü, Ajda Bal, Aytül Çakcı

Issue: Volume 21 - Issue 2 - June 2006
1155 1418

Treatment with 100 Mg Weekly Leflunomide in Rheumatoid Arthritis-An Open Study

Halil Koyuncu, Neval Bozok, Seçil Yalgın, Fatma Kumbasar, Haluk Aksoy

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 1 - June 2007
1548 2099

Complementary-Alternative Medicine in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Demirhan Dıraçoğlu

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 1 - June 2007
1912 4500

The Efficacy of Peloidotherapy on Knee Osteoarthritis

Ufuk Şen, M. Zeki Karagülle, Mine Karagülle

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 2 - June 2007
1151 1495

Sex Hormone Status in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hülya Ergül Kazıl, Banu Arslan Şentürk, Serdar İpek, Korhan Bayram, Füsun Üstüner

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 3 - September 2007
1418 3881

Lipid Profile in Female Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Berrin Gündüz, Belgin Erhan, Seçil Hıncal Boriçi, Ayşe Nur Bardak, Zeynep Kılıç, Bora Akyürek

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 3 - September 2007
1231 1830

Pulmonary Involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Zeynel Güldoğan, Emel Ekşioğlu, Hikmet Fırat, Aytül Çakcı

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 3 - September 2007
1754 2357

Fibromyalgia Management: Rehabilitation Approaches

Murat Zinnuroğlu

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 3 - September 2007
1255 3653

Quality of Life in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Relation with Disease Activity, Functional and Health Status

Taciser Kaya, Altınay Göksel Karatepe, Rezzan Günaydın, Gül Türkmen, Gülriz Özbek

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 4 - December 2007
1753 2013

Paraoxonase and Arylesterase Activities in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Özlem Altındağ, Mehmet Karakoç, Neslihan Soran, Hakim Çelik, Necla Çelik, Şahabettin Selek

Issue: Volume 22 - Issue 4 - December 2007
1337 8049

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Leflunomide in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Filiz Eser, Hatice Bodur, Lale Akbulut Aktekin , Ümit Seçkin

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 2 - June 2008
1040 1891

Prognostic Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Aslı Gençay Can, Zafer Günendi

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 2 - June 2008
1186 2612

Ruptured Baker's Cycst Mimicking the Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Demet Göçmen Demir, Lale Altan, Nuray Dıraz

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 2 - June 2008
1440 2398