The Relationship Between Bath Indexes and Osteoporosis in Male Patients with Axial Ankylosing Spondylitis

Hale Karapolat, Sibel Eyigör, Yeşim Akkoç, Yeşim Kirazlı, İsmail Sarı, Servet Akar, Nurullah Akkoç

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 3 - June 2008
1174 1206

Ankylosing Spondylitis and Postural Balance

Mehmet Adam, Berrin Leblebici, Alper Nabi Erkan, Selda Bağış, Mahmut Nafiz Akman

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 3 - June 2008
1246 1648

Causes of Mortality in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Zafer Günendi, Aslı Gençay Can

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 3 - June 2008
1423 1379

Novel Diagnostic Autoantibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Burcu Yanık, Duygu Geler Külcü

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 3 - June 2008
1127 1494

Fatal Interstitial Pneumonia as an Advers Reaction in Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report

Sedat Kaya, Selim Turhanoğlu, Ayşe Dicle Turhanoğlu

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 3 - June 2008
967 5800

Effect of Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Treatment on Disease Activity in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Filiz Sivas, Bedriye Mermerci Başkan, Tankut Köseoğlu, Tuba Güler, Yasemin Pekin Doğan, Kürşat Özoran

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 4 - December 2008
1121 1447

Assessment of Radiologic Damage by Larsen Score in Adults With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Eda Gürçay, Serdil Yüzer , Emel Ekşioğlu, Ajda Bal, Aytül Çakcı

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 4 - December 2008
1110 1378

Pregnancy and Rheumatic Diseases

Hakan Terekeci, Cihan Top

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 4 - December 2008
1475 4707

Can Isotretinoin Induce Sacroiliitis: Three Cases

Ümit Dinçer, Engin Çakar, Mehmet Zeki Kıralp, Hasan Dursun

Issue: Volume 23 - Issue 4 - December 2008
1145 16381

Fibromyalgia Syndrome In Geriatric Population

Berrin Leblebici, Nur Turhan, Mehmet Adam, Nuri Çetin, Selda Bağış

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 1 - June 2009
943 1528

Serologic and Molecular Diagnosis of Human Parvovirus B19 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Özlem Solak, Mustafa Altındiş, Hasan Toktaş, Ümit Dündar, Reşit Köken, Aycan Türel, Nedim Tunç, Vural Kavuncu

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 1 - June 2009
948 1287

Management of Inflammatory Rheumatologic Diseases with Orthoses

Taciser Kaya

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 1 - June 2009
922 1966

A Rare Cause of Reactive Arthritis: Giardia Lamblia

Dilek Karakuş, Nilüfer Kutay Ordu Gökkaya, Fügen Oktay, Halil Uçan

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 1 - June 2009
938 2588

Peripheral Neuropathy in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: An Electroneurophysiological Study

Lale Akbulut Aktekin, Hilmi Gözlükaya, Hatice Bodur, Pınar Borman, Özlem Köz

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
973 13771

Plantar Pressure Changes of Patients with Heel Valgus in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nurettin Tastekin, Hakan Tuna, Murat Birtane, Kaan Uzunca

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
834 8752

The Effect of Mud Pack Treatment in Knee Osteoarthritis

Ersin Odabaşı, Mustafa Turan, Hakan Erdem, Salih Pay, Mahir Güleç, Müfit Zeki Karagülle

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
1520 10084

Relationship Between Upper Extremity Muscle Strength and Functional Level and Mobility in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis

Duygu Geler Külcü, Müge Bıçakçıgil, Gülçin Gülşen, Demet Taşan, Esra İmamoğlu, Derya Özkan

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
1037 2405

Osteoarthritis and Glucosamine

Meral Kozakçıoğlu

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
1355 4789

A Psoriatic Arthritis Case with Skin Manifestations Occurring 20 Years After the Arthritis

Filiz Eser, Hatice Bodur, Ümit Seçkin, Pınar Eroğlu

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
747 2496

Diastematomyelia - A Case Report

Ayten Türcan, Saadet Yazgan Umut, Mustafa Akif Sarıyıldız

Issue: Volume 24 - Issue 2 - July 2009
870 3342