Volume 23 - Issue 2 - June 2008
Original Article
Assessment of Pulmonary Changes in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis with High Resolution Computed Tomography
Ersin Öztürk, Ümit Dinçer, Onur Sıldıroğlu, Engin Çakar, Güner Sönmez, Hakan Mutlu, Mehmet Zeki Kıralp, Çınar Başhekim, Hasan Dursun, Eşref Kızılkaya
Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
Özlem Altındağ, Mehmet Karakoç, Neslihan Soran, Hasan Tabur, Ahmet Demirkol
1044 7236
Clinical and Radiological Characteristics of Spondyloarthropathy
Yasemin Turan, Mehmet Tuncay Duruöz, Lale Cerrahoğlu
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Leflunomide in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Filiz Eser, Hatice Bodur, Lale Akbulut Aktekin , Ümit Seçkin
Case Report
Ruptured Baker's Cycst Mimicking the Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient
Demet Göçmen Demir, Lale Altan, Nuray Dıraz
Milwaukee Shoulder-Knee Syndrome: A Case Report
Berrin Leblebici, Kübra Ustaömer, Nuri Çetin, Aysun Uğuz
Coexistence of Behçet's Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Case Report
Filiz Eser, Hatice Bodur, Ümit Seçkin
1051 7249