claims data |
041 |
hyperuricemia |
041 |
minacare database |
041 |
prevalence |
041 |
ankylosing spondylitis |
001 |
radiographic progression |
001 |
uveitis |
001 |
behçet's disease |
029 |
diagnosis |
029 |
disease activity |
029 |
pathergy test |
029 |
sensitivity |
029 |
hand grip strength |
060 |
high-intensity laser therapy |
060 |
lateral epicondylitis |
060 |
low-intensity laser therapy |
060 |
pain |
060, 013 |
balance training |
035 |
elderly |
035 |
osteoarthritis |
035 |
cavernous sinus thrombosis |
128 |
neurovascular behçet's disease |
128 |
tolosa-hunt-like syndrome |
128 |
child |
020 |
immune system disease |
020 |
interferon-gamma release assay |
020 |
latent tuberculosis |
020 |
tuberculin skin test |
020 |
disability |
078 |
extracorporeal shock wave therapy |
078 |
myofascial pain syndrome |
078 |
quality of life |
078, 013, 068 |
sleep |
078 |
aquatic-based exercises |
097 |
juvenile dermatomyositis |
097 |
land-based exercises |
097 |
skin disease activity |
097 |
fibromyalgia |
013 |
personality |
013 |
familial mediterranean fever |
052 |
inflammation |
052 |
microribonucleic acid |
052 |
periodic fever |
052 |
depression |
068 |
juvenile fibromyalgia syndrome |
068 |
school absenteeism |
068 |
school success |
068 |
clinical disease activity index |
090 |
cronbach’s alpha |
090 |
disease activity score 28 |
090 |
rheumatoid arthritis pain scale |
090 |
spearman’s correlation coefficient |
090 |
india |
137 |
interstitial lung disease |
137 |
mixed connective tissue disease |
137 |
retroperitoneal fibrosis |
137 |
tamoxifen |
137 |
hypopyon uveitis |
142 |
ocular manifestations |
142 |
relapsing polychondritis |
142 |
citation: İlgen u |
149 |
küçükşahin o. additional benefit of canakinumab on proteinuria in a case with muckle-wells syndrome in remission under anakinra. arch rheumatol 2020 |
149 |
35(1):149-150. |
149 |
antibodies |
146 |
antiphospholipid |
146 |
mononeuritis multiplex |
146 |
blau syndrome |
117 |
clinical findings |
117 |
genetic |
117 |
nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 |
117 |
anticoagulant |
107 |
antiphospholipid syndrome |
107 |
rivaroxaban |
107 |
warfarin |
107 |
juvenile spondyloarthropathy |
132 |
sacroiliitis |
132 |
systemic lupus erythematosus |
132 |