The Effects of Helicobacter Pylori Eradication on the Number of Tender Points, Sleep Quality, Depression, and Anxiety in Patients With Fibromyalgia

Emrullah GEZİCİ, Mahmut ALPAYCI, Yasemin ÖZKAN, Mehmet Emin KÜÇÜK, Hakan ÜNVER, Özcan HIZ

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2014.3983

Issue: Volume 29 - Issue 3 - September 2014
10867 5615

Can Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index be Affected by Accompanying Fibromyalgia or Depression?


DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2015.4801

Issue: Volume 30 - Issue 1 - March 2015
8903 5459

Ultrasonographic Assessment of Soft Tissues in Patients With Acromegaly

Mustafa KOÇAK, Nadim CİVAN, Murat KARKUCAK, Erhan ÇAPKIN, Melek GARİPOĞLU, İpek CAN, Adem KARACA, Mustafa TAŞDELEN, Ahmet AYAR

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2015.5158

Issue: Volume 30 - Issue 2 - June 2015
7446 4974

Glutathione-S-Transferase Variants are not Associated With Increased Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Turkish Familial Mediterranean Fever Patients

Özlem GÜRBÜZ, Binnur BAĞCI, Can HÜZMELİ, Gökhan BAĞCI, Ferhan CANDAN

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5628

Issue: Volume 31 - Issue 2 - June 2016
9298 5762

Handgrip Strength in Fibromyalgia

Kurtuluş KÖKLÜ, Merve SARIGÜL, Zuhal ÖZİŞLER, Hülya ŞİRZAİ, Sumru ÖZEL

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5736

Issue: Volume 31 - Issue 2 - June 2016
6105 5707

Monocyte Expression Levels of Cytokines in Patients With Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Evrim ÖĞÜT, Ali GÜR, Burhan Fatih KOÇYİĞİT, Serdar ÖZTUZCU, Beyhan CENGİZ, Özlem ALTINDAĞ, Hilal KARAGÜLLÜ, Savaş GÜRSOY

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2015.5474

Issue: Volume 30 - Issue 4 - December 2015
7407 5161

Dupuytren’s Contracture With Rare Bilateral Thumb and Little Finger Involvement Demonstrated by Ultrasound Elastography

Aslıhan ULUSOY, Canan TIKIZ, Şebnem ÖRGÜÇ

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2015.5517

Issue: Volume 30 - Issue 4 - December 2015
17662 5889

High Frequency of Fibromyalgia in Patients With Acne Vulgaris

Levent YAZMALAR, Tahsin ÇELEPKOLU, İbrahim BATMAZ, Mustafa Akif SARIYILDIZ, Bilal SULA, Mahmut ALPAYCI, İsa AN, Yahya Kemal BURKAN, Haydar UÇAK, Remzi ÇEVİK

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5713

Issue: Volume 31 - Issue 2 - June 2016
11354 5080

Isokinetic Assessment of the Wrist Muscles in Females With Fibromyalgia

Hayal GÜLER, Mustafa Turgut YILDIZGÖREN, Nilgun ÜSTÜN, Hacer PAKSOY, Ayşe Dicle TURHANOĞLU

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5908

Issue: Volume 31 - Issue 3 - September 2016
6699 5247

Which Non-Pharmacological Treatment is More Effective on Clinical Parameters in Patients With Fibromyalgia: Balneotherapy or Aerobic Exercise?

Emine Eda KURT, Fatmanur Aybala KOÇAK, Hatice Rana ERDEM, Figen TUNCAY, Feyzanur KELEZ

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5751

Issue: Volume 31 - Issue 2 - June 2016
8840 5730

Evaluation of Atrial Conduction Times, Epicardial Fat Thickness and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis

Sabri Onur ÇAĞLAR, İsmail BOYRAZ, Fatma ERDEM, Selma YAZICI, Hilal ÇAĞLAR, Bünyamin KOÇ, Emrah ÇAĞLAR, Mehmet YAZICI

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5867

Issue: Volume 31 - Issue 4 - December 2016
7500 5049

Decrease of Serum IGF-1 Level is Not Associated With Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Fibromyalgia Patients

Emrullah HAYTA, Ayşe Altun OKŞAŞOĞLU

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.5926

Issue: Volume 32 - Issue 2 - June 2017
7786 5241

The Effects of Fibromyalgia Syndrome on Physical Function and Psychological Status of Pregnant Females

Hakan GENÇ, Melahat ATASEVER, Burcu DUYUR ÇAKIT, Murat SEVAL, Acar KOÇ

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.6028

Issue: Volume 32 - Issue 2 - June 2017
8325 6482

Dynamic Thiol/Disulphide Homeostasis in Patients With Fibromyalgia

Fatma FİDAN, Berat Meryem ALKAN, Fatma Gülçin UĞURLU, Sinem BOZKURT, Nebahat SEZER, Cemile BİÇER, Özcan EREL, Özge ARDIÇOĞLU, Selami AKKUŞ

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.5931

Issue: Volume 32 - Issue 2 - June 2017
8436 5908

High Disease Activity May Increase Fear-Avoidance Beliefs in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Mehmet Engin TEZCAN, Berfu CİNKİT DOĞAN, Nesrin ŞEN, Mehmet SARGIN

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.6215

Issue: Volume 32 - Issue 4 - December 2017
7284 5232

Relationship Between Q-Angle and Articular Cartilage in Female Patients With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: Ultrasonographic and Radiologic Evaluation

Ayşe Aydemir EKİM, Hatice HAMARAT, Ahmet MUSMUL

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.6145

Issue: Volume 32 - Issue 4 - December 2017
6204 7329

The Association of Skinfold Anthropometric Measures, Body Composition and Disease Severity in Obese and Non-obese Fibromyalgia Patients: A Cross-sectional Study

Mehmet Onat ÇAKIT, Burcu Duyur ÇAKIT, Hakan GENÇ, Seçil PERVANE VURAL, Hatice Rana ERDEM, Meryem SARAÇOĞLU, Aynur KARAGÖZ2

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2018.6180

Issue: Volume 33 - Issue 1 - March 2018
5883 5588

Evaluation of Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients With Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Selçuk SAYILIR, Gökhan ERGÜN, Timur EKİZ

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2018.6541

Issue: Volume 33 - Issue 2 - June 2018
3602 4885

Cerebral Blood Flow Volume Using Color Duplex Sonography in Patients With Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Arzu KAYA, Gürkan AKGÖL, Arif GÜLKESEN, Ahmet Kürşad POYRAZ, Tülay YILDIRIM, Murad ATMACA

DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2018.6466

Issue: Volume 33 - Issue 1 - March 2018
6745 4991

Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Vitiligo: A Novel Association


DOI: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2018.6524

Issue: Volume 33 - Issue 2 - June 2018
4630 5595